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"A final warning! by Nancy Lazaryan"
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I deleted Nancy's phone number and Address
To the Governing Body of Maplewood, Minnesota
When I spoke to the Maplewood City Council on March 23, 2008 I informed the council of the
events and results of the criminal trial against me, which was brought by Maplewood.
Repeatedly, I have appeared before the council and made my demand that the elected officials of
Maplewood abide by their oaths of office and uphold our constitutions.
This letter is my final warning to the government of Maplewood, Minnesota. The following
violations of the state and federal constitutions will cease, or the People of Maplewood will bring
a federal RICO action and by federal authority seek the remedy of dissolving the artificial entity
known as the City of Maplewood, Minnesota.
Regarding the Citizens at large in Maplewood and the state of Minnesota:
1. On March 23, 2008 the council passed the first reading of amendment to the
watershed ordinance. This was done in spite of the fact that those members of the
public that would be directly impacted by the change in the ordinance where not
properly noticed. Notice after the passing of the first reading, by letter to these
Citizens, does not constitute proper notice and thereby violates due process.
2. As testified to by a Maplewood police officer under oath in the Ramsey county
district court, the police policy in Maplewood is to require Citizens to falsify
police reports, and if the Citizen refuses, the police will not investigate the
complaint of the Citizen. This is a violation of due process and abuse of power.
3. Maplewood has abused the police power and the power of the courts by
retaliating against Citizens and members of the media that have sought public data
and to expose the corruption within the government of Maplewood.
4. Upon knowledge of the repeated abuses by the Maplewood police in violating the
rights of the Citizens, the governing body has not taken action to stop these
abuses. This failure to act is misconduct in office.
5. Maplewood has failed to produce the public data demanded by numerous
Citizens, on multiple occasions. This failure is misconduct in office and violates
M.S. Chapter 13.
6. Certain members of the Maplewood city council are attempting to restrict the
right of the people of the state of Minnesota from petitioning the council during
the public comment section of the council meetings. Maplewood is a political
subdivision of the state of Minnesota and receives monies from the Citizens of the
state of Minnesota. These actions violate the federally secured right to petition the
7. Councilmember Junemann has repeatedly left her office by removing herself from
the council room during the times that Citizens have petitioned the governing
body during council meetings when the Citizens were exposing the malfeasances
of the Maplewood employees and council members. These actions by Junemann
constitute open defiance of duties required of her in her office as an elected public
8. Councilmember John Nephew, prior to his taking office, contacted the League of
Minnesota Cities and sought legal advice concerning matters involving the
governing of Maplewood. His actions were criminal, in that he was
impersonating a public official. Nephew openly admitted to these actions at a
Maplewood city council meeting, and he was never charged for his criminal
9. In spite of the evidence of Agent Orange, Silvex and other toxic chemicals being
present at the Beam Avenue Compost site, the governing body of Maplewood has
refused to require the site to be cleaned up. These actions constitute malfeasances
in office and violations of our state and federal constitutions, in that the
government has been established by the People to secure our safety.
10. In spite of the evidence of the hazard to the health of the Citizens of composting
materials, the governing body of Maplewood has allowed X-Cel Energy to create
a site that contains wood chips, which are an even greater hazard than mere
composting materials. This was done over protests of the Citizens. Again, these
actions are violations of the state and federal constitutions.
11. A Citizen in southern Maplewood was almost killed by the malfeasances of the
governing body of Maplewood and/or its employees directing that toxic chemicals
to be dumped into her yard. No investigation was made into this incident. These
actions are egregious and rise to the level of treason.
12. The city employees, including supervisors, have created a union. This action is an
affront to the Citizens of Maplewood, as it has been repeatedly held by the U.S.
and Minnesota Supreme courts that government employment is privileged.
Thereby, the employees of the artificial entity known as the City of Maplewood
do not have the right to unionize, which is a right secured for private citizens
employed by private employers. These actions by the employees of Maplewood
violate the Rule of Jurisdiction under Natural Law.
13. In spite of the City of Maplewood being over $60 million in debt, the City refuses
to operate in a fiscally responsible manner. The City pays employees up to twice
what is paid in the private sector and is now attempting to create new positions
that are unnecessary and an additional tax burden upon the Citizens of both
Maplewood and the state of Minnesota.
Regarding myself and my family:
1. Chad Lemmons is not authorized by law to represent the City of Maplewood in
the quiet title action against my family. This is a violation of due process.
2. The City of Maplewood has not authorized by resolution the slander of title action
against me. This is a violation of due process.
3. The employees and/or elected officials of Maplewood conspired to falsely charge
me. These actions constitute criminal actions under the federal RICO statutes and
violate the 14th Amendment of the U.S. constitution.
4. The Maplewood police manipulated a Citizen into falsifying a Citizen’s arrest so
that I would be criminally charged for an action the police knew was not criminal.
These actions constitute criminal actions under the federal RICO statutes and
violate the 14th Amendment of the U.S. constitution.
5. The act of posting the property in south Maplewood with “no trespassing” signs is
not criminal, and Maplewood using the police to punish us for the postings was an
abuse of power.
The People of the state of Minnesota established our government to serve and protect Us.
Each elected official, as well as members of the Executive branch (such as police officers) have
sworn an oath to uphold our constitutions, which secure certain rights to the People. Under the
constitutions, the People have secured their right of redress for injuries done against Them.
Employees and elected officials within the artificial entity known as the City of Maplewood have
repeatedly and knowing violated their oaths of office.
The governing body of the City of Maplewood will uphold their oaths of office by:
1. Responding to and paying for the damages the City has done to the Citizens.
2. Investigating and disciplining those City employees that have violated the rights
of the Citizens.
3. Complying with the statutory and constitutional restraints placed upon the City in
governing the People.
4. Creating processes that ensure the rights of the Citizens will no longer be violated.
Failure of the governing body of Maplewood to act upon taking these so stated steps to rectify
the abuses against the People will be further evidence of the necessity of the People to dissolve
the artificial entity known as the City of Maplewood.
We the People have determined that we are “self-governed” and have set forth the restraints we
have required for those that serve us in government. This is your final warning.
Written response to these demands must be made prior to April 16, 2008, or a federal
RICO lawsuit will be filed against the City of Maplewood.
Please take notice: In the federal RICO lawsuit, the Citizen plaintiffs will seek injunctive relief
for immediate removal from office of all Maplewood elected officials, as well as leave of the
court to place liens upon all properties owned by the City of Maplewood. Under the federal
RICO statutes prevailing plaintiffs are awarded TRIPLE damages and attorney fees. Given the
sworn court testimony of the Maplewood police officers this month, it is doubtful that
Maplewood would prevail in the federal lawsuit.
March 26, 2008
Nancy Lazaryan
Nancy Lazaryan
Mailing address: ****
Rice, MN 56367
Email: nancylazaryan@yahoo.com
Cell phone: ***-****
cc: H. Alan Kantrud, Ramsey County Undersheriff Altendorfer, members of the media.